Moral law of the person

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Categorical imperative is in the basis of Kant’s ethics which is internal moral law of the person.

At what notion can we, people, be based by thinking and declaring ourselves as free creatures? Kant says, that it is impossible to begin from the freedom. He is inclined to thinking that the indicator and the first proof of the free will is the moral law as itself. He thinks that the brightest display and proof of freedom is human ability to voluntary, consciously and reasonably obey to the compulsion of the moral law and this means the independent compliance with duty. The sphere of “moral-proper” is the sphere of human freedom.

As for the categorical imperative, the solution is in the formulation of categorical imperative, the moral law, and in its justification.

The category of duty takes a huge place in Kant’s ethical system. Duty in relation to other people – to make good, and duty in relation to oneself – to save his life and live it decently.

Also Kant states that a person must be charitable, and if he has such a possibility, he should help people and assist their happiness without hoping to get reward for this. Person’s duty in relation to himself is in prohibition to deprive himself the advantage of moral essence which is to act according to the principles, rules, maxims.

Categorical imperative according to Kant, this is the formulation of how the human being should act, a human being who is aiming to join the morality. According to Kant words, we must pay a huge attention to the maxims of our behavior, to the subjective rules of the practical mind.

It is necessary to avoid making a person or the whole mankind only as means for reaching our own goals. Unfortunately, people are acting in different way. The actually genuine action is such in which person or humankind are absolute goals.

“Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end…” (White, p. 52)

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