Struggle of the soul

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Have you ever thought about what your purpose in life is, what is your mission on this planet, what you need to do in time for people to remember you?

Have you thought about what a person should be, what moral values he should or should not possess, what framework he should establish for himself in order not to cross the line of what is permitted?

What character traits should have a strong leader who will lead millions of people? What should a person know who can invent a vaccine against an incurable disease?

Someone may say that all these are philosophical questions, that all this is universal demagoguery and it is simply impossible to resolve this, but I do not think so, on the contrary, I am sure that each of human beings was created for a higher purpose, for the creation of something, to save someone, to improve the quality of life and innovate in our lives and in future lives, right?

Struggle of the soul

We are always missing something.

We hate conflicts and condemn wars,

But we don’t have enough patience,

When somebody knocks at the doors.

Our life is made up of roles,

Which you have to play without mistakes.

It doesn’t take a courage,

It may require double take.

We don’t know what character must be,

We even ask old stronger tree,

We are looking for symbolism everywhere,

In the room, in the garden, it’s bare.

Don’t be afraid, and break your mind,

The main thing is to be kind!

No wonder, this simple one

Is your niche in this life!

Author of the poem: Anastasiia Shliakhova

Struggle of the soul

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