Child labor
The problem of the child labor exists in the entire world – in the industrially developed and just developing countries. The experience showed that the child labor causes a serious and sometimes unrecoverable harm to the physical and psycho-social development of the child. Usually the children from the most vulnerable social strata, poor and not full families from the countryside and towns are involved in the child labor. These children are forced to work in dangerous, harmful conditions for getting some income.
Moreover, they have a limited access to the education, the health services and sources of income. And here vicious circle arises: the involvement of children to the labor worsens their perspectives for getting education and this, in its turn, has the influence at the future job placement. In the final analysis, the child labor causes the negative influence at the development of the human resources and general social and economic development of the countries.
Child labor is spreading more and more. Children are becoming an object of manipulation and exploitation with the scanty juridical and administrative control and the absence of the corresponding legislative acts or their real fulfillment.
Child labor causes the death of any nation. We hope for the bright future of the country but this future must not be built at the bones of children. It is necessary to fight with this problem!