Altruism and egoism

Egoism and altruism are two sides of one medal. These notions are inseparable. They don’t contradict to each other, they only complement each other. Morality is in their basis. Moral actions or deeds give benefit and joy both to egoist and to altruist. The life of a man is the most high value standard! Everything which can threaten life – this is evil. Everything which is assisting life – this is good. Egoist, taking care about his life, he is making Good not less than altruist, when he is taking care about the life of the neighbour. When the forces and possibilities of altruist in doing Good gratis are disappearing, he is becoming “egoist”, and on the contrary, egoist who has the possibility to help his neighbour (impelled by a moral necessity and personal benefit) is becoming “altruist”.

Every person is doing his choice and it can be right to his opinion but this doesn’t mean at all that the same choice can be absolutely correct and right for you!

Altruism and egoism

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