How can you define pregnancy? What are the first features of pregnancy? What are the pregnancy’s symptoms at the early period?
Let’s suppose that a woman has a delay of the next menstruation. A day, two, week pass and there is no menstruation. A woman is feeling sickness in the morning, the lactic glands are like heavy. Or there is an excessive sleepiness, usual actions of the surrounding people cause irritation, and some smells are just unbearable. In addition, the appetite can rise and the products from the fridge are disappearing with unusual speed and in strange combinations. The night walks to bathroom became frequent and during the day – the long walks became problematic because of the often urges for urination.
All these subjective feelings can be present when you are pregnant. But they also can be absent. Sometimes it can be that a woman notices the delay of menstruation without any other changes in her feeling. Sometimes there can be situations which are opposite – there is a pregnancy but there is also menstruation in its due time, but maybe in a light volume.
At that moment when woman is informed that she is pregnant, she feels a huge gamut of various feelings and emotions. This is a joy, and at the same time this is a fright, this is also confusion and at the same time this is also a uncertainty in her forces. If this baby was long-awaited and the pregnancy was planned, then the top of sensation is immeasurable happiness. Mother will have to learn many things because she knows nothing about being mother: she doesn’t know how to behave, she doesn’t know what to do in different situations to make a baby feel comfortable and she doesn’t know what to do for the baby’s protection from any negative factors. But many mothers know all this already because they were reading a lot of literature before and during the pregnancy.
When a baby was born, women have many questions because life is changed. They ask how it is necessary to eat correctly, what medical examination is it necessary to do, what maternity hospital is it necessary to choose, what clothes is it necessary to wear to feel comfortable and safe.
Pregnancy is a wonderful time of every woman. And during such moment women become more feminine, charming and gentle. Even small temporal curse like toxicosis or heartburn cannot spoil her impressions from waiting of a baby.
During the pregnancy a soul comfort and a good mood plays a huge meaning. So, it is absolutely necessary to try to have a sunny, wonderful mood. It is obligatory necessary to forget about spleen and sadness. It is necessary to notice only positive moments, beautiful words and deeds!
But there is an important question, unfortunately…Is pregnancy always desirable? And what a woman should do when it is not so? What a woman can do if the pregnancy must be terminated because of the medical prescription? What are the ways for a woman to stay in a normal state of mind after terminating a pregnancy?