Archive for the ‘Different things about life’ Category

Struggle of the soul

Have you ever thought about what your purpose in life is, what is your mission on this planet, what you need to do in time for people to remember you?

Have you thought about what a person should be, what moral values he should or should not possess, what framework he should establish for himself in order not to cross the line of what is permitted?

What character traits should have a strong leader who will lead millions of people? What should a person know who can invent a vaccine against an incurable disease?

Someone may say that all these are philosophical questions, that all this is universal demagoguery and it is simply impossible to resolve this, but I do not think so, on the contrary, I am sure that each of human beings was created for a higher purpose, for the creation of something, to save someone, to improve the quality of life and innovate in our lives and in future lives, right?

Struggle of the soul

We are always missing something.

We hate conflicts and condemn wars,

But we don’t have enough patience,

When somebody knocks at the doors.

Our life is made up of roles,

Which you have to play without mistakes.

It doesn’t take a courage,

It may require double take.

We don’t know what character must be,

We even ask old stronger tree,

We are looking for symbolism everywhere,

In the room, in the garden, it’s bare.

Don’t be afraid, and break your mind,

The main thing is to be kind!

No wonder, this simple one

Is your niche in this life!

Author of the poem: Anastasiia Shliakhova

Struggle of the soul

Nature’s philosophy

Mood is the condition of your soul or just feeling of the surrounding events. What’s this? Who can tell? Why are some people cheerful and full of joy when it is raining and others are feeling emptiness and almost ready to cry? What is going on and why we are so different in our emotions and expressions of our states? Nobody knows…

Does mood change when we are adults already and we have a lot of experience and we know how to manage the changes in our lives? I consider that NO. Age does not matter. Weather, people, colors, feelings, food, emotions matter.

How can all this matter if you can control your inner “I”? Well, it surely can. It can change your point of view, it can influence your sensations, it can abstract you from something or, on the contrary, it can absorb your entirely and you can’t even imagine what is going on with your consciousness.

We often realize that we have been changed under the pressure of some circumstances and we cannot be the same anymore, we are different now and this notion is forever. Moreover, this is not a nonsense! We are becoming smarter and somebody even wiser…

Nature’s philosophy

Wrapped in a thick fog

Where the whisper was heard from afar.

It was heard only the monolog

That rose from the evening star.

The whole garden was drowning in yellow,

But he so wanted to remain untouched,

He suffered, he yelled to the fellows

But everyone was apathetic so much.

This is how nature has fun.

How boring is her monotony,

However, we still have a long run

And we should understand philosophy.

Author of the poem: Anastasiia Shliakhova

Nature's philosophy


I really love spring, when nature comes to life, when everything comes back to life. Everything around is filled with greenery and fresh aromas. Birds sing along with them, and you want to sing and rejoice, you want to be filled with energy and recharge from the surrounding sources.

However, even more I love summer, when a riot of various colors prevails, as if the artist mixed all the colors on his easel. It so inspires and pushes you to various crazy actions: you want to act, you want new achievements and inner feats, you want to open up and create.

Moreover, some are very fond of autumn and say that it brings peace, tranquility, inner composure, but for me it is quite the opposite: I do not like slush, cold, when it rains and there is no opportunity for latitude; it annoys and unbalances me, makes me nervous… Although, on the other hand, when it is a warm, dry autumn day outside and the sun is shining, and the wind is circling around you with yellow foliage, it takes you to the wonderland and yours dreams. And what time of the year do you like most of all, tell me?


Autumn is the golden time,

When through darkness and storm,

You can see the blue-blue sky

If you look out the door.

Benches are standing alone,

After the pouring rain.

They said, there would be a cyclone,

But it’d chase that pain away.

Author of the poem: Anastasiia Shliakhova


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