Archive for the ‘Happiness’ Category
Morality and happiness in people’s lives
The article in the textbook tells us that Mill makes up the conclusions about morality which constitutes the final, the highest goal of the person. All people are aiming to the satisfaction of their desires, and the happiness or good consists in prolonged, clear and persistent pleasure. And with this utilitarianism is the theory which is directed against the egoism, against such point of view according to which – the good consists in the satisfaction of the personal interest by the person. Acceptability or unacceptability of the pleasure or benefit which we get in every specific case, they are defined by the fact if they promote the reaching of the highest goal, common happiness. On this basis Mill establishes the definitions (values) of the phenomena and events, both good and evil.
Life on the principle of hedonism
As the basis of the Bentham’ theory is the ethics which is built on the principle of hedonism which combines moral good with pleasure and enjoyment. Bentham supposed that the principle of the greatest happiness must be realized with the help of corresponding correct law, and that’s why he directed his forces at the development of such laws and principles. The first principle is the principle of the greatest happiness which is the normative guideline during the making of decisions. The second principle is the principle of psychological hedonism which is positive presentation about the behavior of people (when they follow their egoistic goals). And in such a way, such laws must set punishments and rewards to take into account the second principle of the people’s behavior, it must make them act according to the first principle. In both principles the main notion is something that is defined by the word “utility” and it is understood as the usefulness, happiness, pleasure and delight. According to Bentham, a person is a creature who aims to the pleasures. As the Bentham told, the nature put a man under the governance of two supreme masters – pain and pleasure. Only pain and pleasure can define what we can do and what we must do. This philosophy of utility (as it is the main goal and criteria for the people’s activity) became the one of the main carrying support of the economical theory in 19-20 centuries.
Life and happiness. What is this?
Aristotle was stating that the subject of his ethics was happiness which he determines as the soul activity in the completeness of virtue. So, virtue becomes the means for reaching happiness. It is between two extremes (generosity is between the extremes of stinginess and wastefulness) and contained in moderation (the ability to find “the golden mean”).