Archive for the ‘Morality’ Category

Actual notion in people’s lives

Bullying is the global and mass notion. There is no data about the numbers of victims but I have made some additional research and found out that, for example, according to 1200 children, 48% were subjected to the bullying, 15% – not once, children who were bullying themselves – 42% and with this 20% – many times. According to the data of the world-wide known psychologist Dan Olveus, In Norway 11% of boys and 2,5% of girls admitted that they were bullying. Among the interviewed pupils in 1995 from the 558 schools only 20% didn’t face the bullying. And according to the American psychologist Anthony Pelligrini (1998) 7-15% are bullies, 2-10% are victims. The numbers can be really different. Some people call bullying serious acts of aggression and the other – any threats and humiliations without which any the most peace-loving society cannot exist. But all the same it is absolutely clear that here is the thing which is mass and very serious.

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The drama of morality and human existence

Let’s suppose that we meet a person who is successful in everything: he has a power, wealth, respect, strong health, good frame of mind, he is satisfied with his life, his actions and he think that he is happy. We ask ourselves, is it possible to say about this man that he is happy? Actually, we can. And if we ask, is this happy person moral, then we can say that not for sure. A man who feels himself happy is well noticeable. And if some other man has a good soul, he, as a rule, is glad to see happy people. But being happy from the happiness of other people, we, mostly, correlate the state, behavior, life of this happy person with the totality of qualities without which this happy successful person stays morally unattractive for us. It means that in ordinary everyday life we more or less consciously seek for those moral foundations and principles in person at the basis of which we would like to fund the qualities, actions, opportunities which ingenuously promote happiness.

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Moral law of the person

Categorical imperative is in the basis of Kant’s ethics which is internal moral law of the person.

At what notion can we, people, be based by thinking and declaring ourselves as free creatures? Kant says, that it is impossible to begin from the freedom. He is inclined to thinking that the indicator and the first proof of the free will is the moral law as itself. He thinks that the brightest display and proof of freedom is human ability to voluntary, consciously and reasonably obey to the compulsion of the moral law and this means the independent compliance with duty. The sphere of “moral-proper” is the sphere of human freedom.

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Life is the chain of the deeds which have the consequences

Objections against deontological theory.

People often say that absolute refusal take into account the consequences of actions can lead to the horrible results. But this objection supposes that the results (consequences) have bigger meaning. But deontologists would argue that the results have no any meaning at all.

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Life and kind moral people

Peter Singer said: “The moral point of view requires us to look beyond the interests of our own society” (White, p. 388) and I liked this phrase a lot. With the rapid growth of the population and widening the contacts between people and governments, our world becomes more close and interdependent. So, taking into the account the rights and duties of people, peoples and nations in relation to each other and towards the planet in whole, these rights and duties must be reviewed.

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