Actual notion in people’s lives

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The typical victims of bullying have such features like they are sensitive, fearful, unsociable and shy; they are inclined to the depression and more often than their peers are thinking about the suicides; they often don’t have any friends and more successfully communicating with adults than with their peers; if these are boys, they can be physically weaker than their peers.

And there is another category of the bullying victims, so-called provocative victims or bully-victims. Very often these children who are experiencing the difficulties in studying, writing and reading and they are suffering from the disorders of attention and high excitability. Although these children are not aggressive in their nature, their behavior often causes the irritation of the majority of peers, teachers don’t like them as well and they become an easy prey and victims of the bullying and this promotes to the fixing the socially not favorable psychological features and the style of the behavior.

As the other complicated notions, bullying has not any definite explanations, no universal ways of overcoming and preventing. Some scientists are studying mainly individual, personal features of the bullies and their victims, and the other scientists – sociological-psychological processes of the bullying and the victimization, the third scientists – macro- and micro social patterns of the corresponding groups and societies.

At the personal level, the “classical” bullies are different from the other children by their high aggressiveness, weak self-control over their impulses and high tolerance towards the aggressive behavior. Sometimes besides this are the inborn genetic or hormonal peculiarities, for example, the high level of the “man” hormone testosterone. As a rule the typical bullies don’t suffer from the reduced self-respect and enough self-confident. Bullies are applying the force not spontaneously but consciously staying emotionally calm and indifferent. With this they often don’t face with the resistance because children who are more often subjected to bullying, are those who are distinguished by the social estrangement, the inclination to avoid the conflicts. And this, the bullies and the victims are adding to each other and there appears specific pair relationships which are developing in the system of the children’s intragroup interactions.

Some scientists are appealing mainly to the individual features of the concrete pair: children who are socially isolated, switched off the group connections become an easy prey for the bullies because they cannot adequately answer to the provokes. Aggressive or hyperactive child is victimized because his behavior is irritating other children and provokes the counter aggression from their side. So, different types of children have different mechanisms of the victimization. Other psychologists are fixing the attention not so at the individual features of the child but at his position in the group. As a rule, children don’t like and victimize those peers who are staying side from the collective and don’t promote to the achievement of the common group goals – unity, harmony and development.

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