Arguments pro the moral acceptability of abortion
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And what about moral estimation of the early termination of pregnancy (in its first third), then, a woman has a right to be absolutely autonomous in taking the decision as about using contraceptives and about early termination of pregnancy. And from the point of view of social and law politics, it is necessary to conclude that there is no any necessity in legal adjustment of the question of the termination of pregnancy in the early term, which therefore means that it is legally permissible.
So, let’s remember that it was already told that human fetus is not the same as the human being, and as the acorn is not the same as the oak, and pollen or seed is not the same as the adult plant. But let’s consider now that the fetus is rigorous human creature which has moral status and right for life. What does it mean to have “right for life”? The defenders of abortion state that “the right for life” is understood as the right for something which is necessary for life. Here we can remember the example with violinist…For plugging yourself to another person who needs your help, only you have a right to give him such opportunity, only voluntarily and on the basis of your own decision. Because there is no in the world more inalienable right than the right for your own body. And even if you are told that the plugging to violinist is not for always, and even not for a long time, however, nobody, nowhere and never, in any law doesn’t require you to give so much and make such a huge sacrifice. And even if this violinist presents by himself a big value for the society, and he can bring a very big utility for people, maybe even more value than you, all the same nobody has any right to require from you to do this. And let’s suppose that you are told that you must provide your home to some stranger for nine months or nine years. But nobody can demand from you, according to the law, to provide your house to a person who really needs it. This cannot be demanded. This only can be done voluntarily. That’s why every woman must independently, voluntarily decide if she wants to provide her body or her house…She must not be forced to do this. She can do this herself on the strength of her kindness, according to Christ’s commandments (the Gospel according to Luke, in the parable about good Samaritan). But in reality, there is no any juridical law which would force a person to be a Good Samaritan. The fighters for the abortion’s legalization have the same position.
So, the liberal point of view emphasize that first of all a woman has a right for the control under her own body, and they are inclined to consider abortion almost the same as the separation of the piece of tissue from the woman’s organism. That’s why there is a point of view that abortion is not inadmissible from the moral point of view. And they say that the fetus can be considered as the human being and have a right for life only when it (fetus) is able to live outside the mother’s organism. The conservative point of view is absolutely opposite, and it states that abortion is always, in all cases without exceptions, morally not permissible. According to this position, abortion even at the early stage of fetus’ development, is deprivation of life of the innocent creature, therefore – killing, and that is why in all cases it must be prohibited by the law and not permissible from the moral point of view. And there is moderate point of view, which tries to unite the elements of both other points of view in the soften variant and avoid undesirable conclusions which can be done from them.