Archive for the ‘Mass media’ Category
Violence on TV
If the adult person can critically value all the TV-production and separate the virtual reality from real reality, the children (because of the absence of full consciousness of the reality borders) perceive all the events which are happening in front of their eyes as the real. Murder and violence don’t stir up their feelings of fear or disgust because in the result of habit to such TV programs, viewed on the screen becomes not only real for children but also natural.
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Violence in the life of your child
After reading the articles I have made a conclusion which was made by me many times before and this is not news for me at all. Television is a great achievement of the humankind but it really prevents children’s development.
I told many times to my son “it is better for you to go and read an interesting book than sitting in front of TV or playing some terrible games”. But his answer was “mom, you don’t understand, this is cool and interesting for me”.
The influence of television at children’s lives
As the American specialists state, in the USA the average parent is distinctly talking with his child only 38 minutes a week, and every average child for this period spends 23 hours near the TV set. And it was discovered at the same time that for the last 10 years American children have more gained weight – the number of those whose weight is exceeding the norm, has raised for one third.
Television in our life
Nowadays television became not only the integral part of the social and cultural life of millions of people of our country but powerful tool of influence at the people’s consciousness and as a result – bringing up of the future generation. There is no doubt, besides positive meaning, television has a negative impact at mind and feelings of the modern children. At first glance, everything looks enough harmless, and what can there be bad that a child during his free time from lessons watches several entertaining programs, films and bright cartoons. However, great information flow can serve a bad service for the future life of the child and for the people around him, and not always parents, relatives and teachers can protect him from, as it can seem, so useful invention of the last centuries – television. The problem of the influence of television at the upbringing and development of the growing generation many times was discussed by the psychologists, teachers, sociologists and representatives of the public but it was left unsolved.
Negative influence of the television and Internet on the life of our children
Last time public and the scientists mark out more reinforcement of the negative influence of the mass media on children (and especially Internet and television).
TV set is becoming the main source of the information for children and adolescents.
Life full of mass media, video games and violent children
After reading the given articles “Childhood exposure to media violence predicts young adult aggressive behavior, according to a new 15-year study” and “Passive brains retain sensations, not information”, I have made a conclusion which was made by me many times before and this is not news for me at all. Television is a great achievement of the humankind but it really prevents children’s development.