Television in our life
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Nowadays television became not only the integral part of the social and cultural life of millions of people of our country but powerful tool of influence at the people’s consciousness and as a result – bringing up of the future generation. There is no doubt, besides positive meaning, television has a negative impact at mind and feelings of the modern children. At first glance, everything looks enough harmless, and what can there be bad that a child during his free time from lessons watches several entertaining programs, films and bright cartoons. However, great information flow can serve a bad service for the future life of the child and for the people around him, and not always parents, relatives and teachers can protect him from, as it can seem, so useful invention of the last centuries – television. The problem of the influence of television at the upbringing and development of the growing generation many times was discussed by the psychologists, teachers, sociologists and representatives of the public but it was left unsolved.
As it is well known, the individual development of the person and the formation of his personality is going on, first of all, as the result of the active interaction with the environment and to a large extent due to the upbringing, education and self-education. But should be done if the greatest part of time a child is communicating with extremely attractive “blue screen” which is luring with its colorful lights of the luxurious life, taking away from the reality into the world of fascinating programs about promotion track of the famous people, introducing the endless whirl of series, opens the door of the luxurious apartments of the popular people and teaches the life with the help of the great number of the promos? How can a small person whose consciousness is only forming, to manage alone with so wild pressure of information, how can he understand what is good and what is bad?
Television is priceless gift which allows knowing the events which occur in the world and in own country; it reports a huge amount of useful information of the scientific, aesthetic, social and cultural character. However, it has one very important peculiarity – it open the doubtless utility not for all and far not everybody understands this, and we with full confidence can declare that exactly here there is a solution of the given problem. At the present moment multiple publications in eager rivalry report that it is necessary to bring in the numerous achievements of the human mind (including technical) into the process of teaching and upbringing. This fits not only the realities of life but also prepares child’s entering into the world which is technically equipped and which developing very fast. It is necessary to teach the growing generation to use the information correctly and reasonably, to develop the ability to choose competently the most valuable, necessary and useful among the variety of countless television production. In such a way, television can turn into a wonderful helper and true informational life guide of every mature and educated person but only under the control of the state, society, school and family.