Life on the principle of hedonism

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And there is a third principle – duty and interest junction principle. This principle consists of the fact that each person was put in such conditions that the fulfillment of professional duties coincided with his/her own private interests.

And there is an example, according to Bentham which describes the following situation: if the person was given the certain amount of money, then this will bring him a certain amount of pleasure. If he was given the same sum of money some time later again, then additional pleasure of this second sum of money will appear less than of the first one. And accordingly Bentham thought that the same sum of money which was added to the income of the poor person will bring more happiness than the same sum of money which was added to the income of the rich person. Hence, he concluded that certain redistribution of the incomes between rich and poor people has the ability to increase the total quantity of happiness in the society.

Peter Singer is considering happiness as the fullest satisfaction of the preferences and wishes of the person, even if this satisfaction isn’t linked with the maximizing of pleasure.

The necessity of cooperation can only strengthen the mankind because it helps us to understand that the most strong basis of the new world order is not simply the creation of more wide political and economical unions but the sincere practice of love and compassion by every single person. These features are the main key of the human happiness and our necessity in them is put in the heart of our being. The practice of compassion is not idealism, this is the most effective way of satisfaction both our veritable needs and needs of other people. The more we depend on each other, the more the care about the good of others corresponds to our own interests.

One of the principal factors which prevent us from full consciousness of our interdependency among people is our excessive passion for material progress. We take too great interest in it and unconsciously neglected the main features – compassion, care about the other people, and readiness for cooperation. If we don’t know somebody, then we don’t feel ourselves to be tied with some person or a group, and more often we don’t pay attention to their needs. But the development of the human society requires people to help each other.

I hope that certain people can change the society. Every person must do more to help our common big family to move in the right direction and everybody must take on this responsibility. We need to try to develop the feeling of compassion and desire to care about each other and help without asking for this.

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