Prejudice and mechanism of its formation
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The mechanism of the prejudices’ formation.
The given mechanism the most often is used in the cultivation of the ethnocentrism, stereotypes and prejudices and it is called the process of relocation.
The psychological relocation is used by people or unconsciously as the protective mechanism of psyche, or deliberately – during the search of the scapegoat at which it would be possible to wreak the anger concerning some situation. With this, the psychological relocation is not the attribute of only individual psychic activity. It can be met in the collective psychic processes and can embrace the significant masses of people. The mechanism of relocation is used to put in order the anger and hostility of the people to the object who doesn’t have any relation to the reasons of these emotions.
The prejudices can arise in relation to the objects of different kinds: towards things and animals, towards people and their associations, towards ideas and conceptions. The most spread kind of prejudices is the ethnic prejudices. One of the reasons is the attempt of the representatives of dominant ethnic group (which is at the bottom of the social scale) to find the source of the psychic satisfaction from the feeling of imaginary superiority.
The theory of frustration and aggression.
Frustration, the state of effort is created in the human’s psyche. This state demands its outlet, and any person can become its object. In situation when the reasons of difficulties are seen in some ethnic group, the irritation is directed against this group.
There is also a theory which explains the formation of prejudices as a necessity of people to define their state in relation to other people.
With this, very often, the accent is made at the superiority of the own ethnic group (and in such a way, your, individual) over other. Prejudices are adopted by it in the process of the socialization and are crystallized under the influence of the cultural-group norms and values. Their source is the nearest surroundings of the person, first of all – parents, teachers, and friends. And in such a way the individual prejudices in the majority of cases arise not from the personal experience of the intercultural communication but because of the adopting of the earlier formed prejudices.
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