Aging and the end of life
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As I know medics are marking out two types of aging – physiological and pathological. And it is assumed that during the physiological aging the biological age of a person is corresponding to the passport age, and during the pathological aging – there observed the faster aging when these or those organs are deteriorated quicker than the organs of his peers. Except integral biological age there is also the age of the separate systems, for example, cardiovascular, respiratory and cellular systems. And medics state that we all are aging in different ways and the age changes are accumulating so unnoticeably that it is difficult to conclude the general patterns. And from the modern positions of the geriatrics, the aging is the gradual reduction of the ability of the human’s organism to adapt.
Intensity of aging depends to a large extent on inborn genetically determined properties of tissues. There are known families the members of which are distinguished by their enviable longevity, and they don’t have problems with the memory, with psyche or with the physical activity. They live 90 years and more. And vice versa, there are families the members of which live only 35-55 years. And it is proved that the duration of the individual’s life directly depends on inborn activity of the enzyme “super-oxide-dismutase”. Unfortunately, the activity of this enzyme is not yielded to the regulation from outside because it is programmed genetically.
In the first place, the process of aging has an impact on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Cholesterol deposits in the vessels in the aging process lead to the gradual dying away of the rigorous cells’ nutrition of the different organs and tissues by the nutrients and also to the waste products’ removal from the cells. The organs’ work is disturbed – the liver coping worse with the blood cleaning from water-soluble toxins, which leads to the occurrence of the pigmental aged spots at the skin. The kidneys are filtering blood not enough, and as the result the uric acid is accumulating in the blood, the residual nitrogen and other intermediate metabolic products, the raised concentration of which is beginning to slow down the metabolic processes and oppressing the cellular respiration. The nervous system is very sensitive to the accumulating of the waste products in the organism. Elderly people (because of their worsening of the nervous processes’ activity in some extent) have reduced initiative, ability to work, emotional instability and disturbed sleep. There are also changes in the psyche. Not rare elderly people have the worsening of the character.
And all the same, though it is impossible to cancel the aging of the organism (there is a phrase that life is the illness with the 100% fatal outcome), however it is possible to try to transform some period of life in a wonderful length of life road which is full of life wisdom, which is devoted to grandchildren, family thins and maybe even to own hobby! With which you will fill your ages – this depends only on you!!!
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