Aging and the end of life

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The first and the main condition is not to give up after retiring on a pension, to develop the soul demands and interests, to have the favorite thing to do, to devote yourself to something which gives you the real pleasure. In general, a person who was into the intellectual work, he must aim to do it as long as it is possible because permanent training of the intellectual abilities supports the physiological reserves of the organism. It is also proved that educated people are aging later than people with not so high level of education. It was noticed as well that those people who are forced to leave the work to which they devoted the whole life and cannot find the decent change; they are aging practically at once. And optimism here is the wonderful, just perfect source of the organism’s stimulation. Laughter has a real beneficial impact at all physiological organism’s processes. That’s why it is absolutely obligatory recommended to the elderly people to watch light humorous TV programs.

It is never late to be in a good physical shape. In general, without physical exercises the functional person’s reserves are spending very impetuously. And if it is possible to widen again our functional reserves till the 45 years old with the regular going in for sports, then later it is in our forces only to support earlier reached indices without giving them an opportunity to go down. Generally, the more time a person spends in the bed, the more rapid speed he is moving to the last point of his existence.

The most available kind of the physical training is walking. It is necessary to begin this kind of the physical training from not long distances and beforehand it is necessary to do the complex of the warming exercises. The speed of walking must be moderate and it is necessary to breath properly. Breathing must be calm, measured but with the deep inspirations. Except walking such kind of training are also available, such as tourism, swimming, bicycle, dancing but it is very important to consult the doctor before starting all this. For strengthening the body and harmonious bearing there can be recommended such a method which is based at the methodology of the psychological modeling – a person going out for a walk should straighten the spin, raise the chest, slightly throw back a head, move with light and calm steps and repeat to himself “I’m young, healthy and strong”. Such training gradually will lead the organism to the state of cheerfulness and rid of many sad thoughts which are relevant to the age.

The source of happiness in old age becomes a friendship and human sympathy. The formula for getting them is very simple, as it is necessary to give and not take, propose and not demand. Unfortunately, old people often become egoistic. Happens, that people’s illnesses are coming at the first plan and these illnesses are overlaying everything.

And in addition I’d like to mention that the fear of death is felt only by those people who practically didn’t score success or nothing in life. They say that if a person can glance back and with proud list several serious achievements in life, such person is treating his aging more calmly.

And as a conclusion, the idiom “Age is not like you look, but like you feel” – really great and reflects my feelings inside.

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