Negative influence of the television and Internet on the life of our children
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In 1977 three television American companies (ABS, NBS, CBS) received the accusations in “intoxication” through the scenes of violence of 15-year-old resident of Miami who killed his 83-year-old neighbor. Sociological research which was performed in 80’s in the USA among the prisoners showed such data – 63% of prisoners declared that they performed crimes imitating the television heroes, and 22% of prisoners borrowed the technologies of crime from the films.
Not less dangerous Internet can be. Many researchers mark out that Internet and computer games cause addiction and even dependence, and this addiction can appear enough quickly, even in 6 months. Children are facing such risks like getting into virtual world, reducing social contacts, and social dysadaptation which can lead to depressions and suicides. Internet-dependent child cannot control time in front of the monitor and he gets the dryness of eyes, sleeping disorder, lack of appetite. Psychologists say that interest in such kinds of “shooters”, bright pictures of blood, tearing the body of the killed people can provoke a person to try such situation not for fun but in real life. As well as games where the hero can jump from the high building, fly through the precipice and etc, is provoking children to do something like this risking the health and life. If society wants to save children from the game addiction – it must, first of all, have an influence upon parents, because family plays a defensive role which gives the opportunity form to immature personality. To save children from the computer addiction and game-mania, specialists advice the parents to regulate a free time of the child and prohibit staying so long tome near the computer or a TV set, and watch after the games which the child chooses. It is also important to regulate the content of the mobile phones because children very often download very immoral and aggressive pictures.
To oppose the negative influence of mass media at children it is necessary to unite the parents’ efforts, public organizations and corresponding state structures. But no matter how the state prohibited films of sites with the elements of violence and lust, if the parents don’t pay significant attention to their children, and there is no atmosphere of trust and love in family, any prohibitions will not work. Parents must inspire (by their own examples) children for good and good actions and they must be a moral authority for children. And then children will not be allured to prohibited things. Children are our future. And if we don’t stop in time this tenth wave of poor-quality and immoral production which is pouring into their heads and souls, then our children just don’t have a future.
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