Abortion is the death of fetus. Who has the right to kill?
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And what about the pregnancy which is the result of rape, especially of adolescents? Aren’t analogous the pregnancies which are the consequence of bad quality of the contraceptives, or (in some sense) their absence?
And there can be the other nuance of the violinist’s example….The thing is in the difference between the size of moral damage from inactivity entailing the death, and deliberate causing of death. Concerning that example….It is possible that as a result of the operation, you can have pathological changes which are threatening you by the death. With this the violinist’s life will continue at the expense of posthumous transplantation of your kidneys. And the doctor will say: “We are so sorry, but we can nothing to do with this – you will have to die. We are in front of the choice – if we save your life and unplug that man, we’ll kill him. And if we save his life, you will die. However, the second variant is more preferable for us in the moral sense because your death will happen without our active interference”. So, is this right? No, it is impossible to do so. But the similar situation appears when the pregnancy is threatening the mother’s life. Therefore, even acknowledging the fetus as the personality, the majority of the members of the moral community will consider permissible the case of essential limiting of his rights for life and will demand to interfere from the third person (doctor). Thomson authentically shows us that the principle “don’t kill” does not automatically result from the acknowledgement of somebody as a personality and that it is always possible to think about the situation where the overwhelming majority of people will refuse to follow it, to follow this principle.
Thomson argues “that fetus is not a person from the moment of conception. A newly fertilized ovum, a newly implanted clump of cells, is no more a person than an acorn is an oak tree” (White, p. 104). But all the same she thinks that the abortion has no justification as we morally have to be Minimally Decent Samaritans.