Life and violence

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Frontal brain regions are associated with planning, anticipating, insight, judgment, those things which are typically considered human qualities. And the frontal lobe therefore inhibits or in some way helps control the rest of the brain. Unlike teenagers, adults’ frontal lobes light up brightly when they look at the fear faces.

Adolescents are responding without the full use of the frontal region of the brain. They probably don’t have the frontal region of their brain well enough developed to sort out problems. They responded more with a gut response than with a judgment or insight response.

Conclusion and my thoughts about this video: Analyzing the information which I have seen in this video, I can conclude that teenagers/adolescents have not fully developed brain.

The brain’s remote control is the prefrontal cortex, a section of the brain that weighs outcomes, forms judgments and controls impulses and emotions. This section of the brain also helps people understand one another. If you were to walk into a sports bar full of Lakers fans wearing a Celtics jersey, your prefrontal cortex would immediately begin firing in warning; those teams are bitter enemies, and it might serve you to change your behavior (and your clothes). The prefrontal cortex communicates with the other sections of the brain through connections called synapses. These are like the wires of the entertainment system.

What scientists have found is that teenagers experience a wealth of growth in synapses during adolescence. But if you’ve ever hooked up an entertainment center, you know that more wires means more problems. You tend to keep the components you use the most, while getting rid of something superfluous, like an out-of-date laserdisc player. The brain works the same way, because it starts pruning away the synapses that it doesn’t need in order to make the remaining ones much more efficient in communicating. In teenagers, it seems that this process starts in the back of the brain and moves forward, so that the prefrontal cortex, that vital center of control, is the last to be trimmed. As the connections are trimmed down, an insulating substance called myelin coats the synapses to protect them.

As such, the prefrontal cortex is a little immature in teenagers as compared to adults; it may not fully develop until your mid-20s. And if you don’t have a remote control to call the shots in the brain, using the other brain structures can become more difficult. Imaging studies have shown that most of the mental energy that teenagers use in making decisions is located in the back of the brain, whereas adults do most of their processing in the frontal lobe. When teenagers do use the frontal lobe, it seems they overdo it, calling upon much more of the brain to get the job done than adults would. And because adults have already refined those communicating synapses, they can make decisions more quickly.

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